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Cookies uses 1 type of ‘Cookie’ to function:
Google Analytics is a free service provided by Google inc. which sets a cookie to that allows us to evaluate how visitors use the site, and give us broad trends in how people access the website such as whether using a computer or a mobile phone. This is essential to us in helping make sure we provide the right information in the right format for our visitors.
For more information on the cookies set by Google Analytics please click here to see Google's privacy policy. You can also opt out of being tracked on Google Analytics to visit google's opt out page please click here. Please note: Choosing this option in Google Analytics will opt you out for all websites not just

EU Cookie Directive

As you may have read the law has recently changed in relation to the use of Cookies. We have investigated many ways in which we can meet this directive. Guidance is however still evolving and many of the options available are quite obtrusive and can interrupt your browsing experience. Therefore we have taken the view that currently we will provide information on the cookies we provide (as above) and advise users on how to change their browser settings to block cookies, please click here, to learn more about cookies from the This will allow you to take control of cookies across all websites, not just on